It contains up to 300mg of upgraded rTG-type DHA, with 2.7 times the absorption rate of regular ones. The ingredient of composite neuronic acid (phosphatidylserine) improves memory. The 5:1 optimal ratio of lutein:zeaxanthin can better protect the eyes. Authoritative IFOS quality certification confirms that this product is free of additives and safe to use.
300mg of DHA, IFOS 5-Star & ORIVO certification
Lutein for the protection of the eyes and brain
Phosphatidylserine for better brain development
Amount per softgel
-Lutein-------------------------------- 2mg
-Zeaxanthin--------------------------------- 0.4mg
On the packaging.
Take 1 softgel once a day, half an hour after a meal.
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.